Writing jenkins.yml

jenkins.yml allow developers to define per project configuration of the CI pipeline. The jenkins.yml file provide a mapping of all jobs to manage. The special entry settings allow to overrides some defaults settings.

Defining a job

The simplest job definition is a oneline YAML entry:

app-job: tox -r

Commands are wrapped in a bash script, executed with -eux shell options. This mean that any failing command breaks the job, undefined variable are not accepted and each executed command is echoed on stderr.

You can actually add a bunch of Jenkins job feature in YML:

  # Target a specific node or node label
  node: slave0
  # Matrix. Only values in YML are triggered
    - py34
    - py35
  # job parameterer, value is always read from YML
    TESTS: tests/
  # The script
  script: |
    tox -re $TOXENV -- $TESTS
  # clean up script, executed even on cancel/abort.
  after_script: |
    rm -rf coverage.xml

Tests report and coverage

jenkins.yml generated Jenkins jobs are full featured !

  • Archive all files in $CI_ARTEFACTS directory.
  • Import all $CI_ARTEFACTS/xunit*.xml files to generate a test report.
  • Feed Cobertura plugin with $CI_ARTEFACTS/coverage.xml to generate a coverage report.
app-units: |
  pytest -vvvv --strict --showlocals \
      --junit-xml={env:CI_ARTEFACTS}/xunit.xml \
      --cov=app --cov-report=xml:{env:CI_ARTEFACTS}/coverage.xml

Defining a pipeline

EPO provides a simple pipeline inspired by GitLab CI. Jobs are groupped by stage. Default defined stages are build, test and deploy. The default stage of a job is test. Here is a sample pipeline.

  stages: [build, test, deploy]

  # Attach job to one stage of the CI pipeline
  stage: build
  script: make

  stage: test
  script: make test

  stage: deploy
  # Limit job on specific branch
  branches: master
  script: fab prod update

No jobs are triggered if the previous stage has a missing or failed build.

There is nothing like manual build or environment. Also there is no UI yet other than GitHub.

Create a periodic job

You can define periodic job from jenkins.yml. Theses jobs are never triggered on push. Jenkins EPO take care of maintaining the job in Jenkins according to the latest jenkins.yml version.

  # Run this job around 3:00AM
  periodic: H 3 * * *
  # Run only on master
  default_revision: refs/heads/master

Periodic jobs can be part of pipeline stage. The stage will be completed only when the periodic job will succeed. However, periodic jobs are out of pipeline by default.